(Photo by Pixabay: https://www.pexels.com/photo/android-app-blog-blogging-267389/)
Rewind the clock to 2020…a hellscape of a year. But from the ashes rose an opportunity to pursue our lifelong dreams. During the pandemic, I had a vision (the 20/20 sort) to finally put pen to paper and get serious about writing as a career.
Hence, in July of 2020, I joined Twitter and somehow managed to stumble my way to 30k+ followers after just 730 days. Fast forward to present time, and I desperately want to pay it forward. After all, together we can accomplish anything. So without further ado, I give you…
Tips for Taking Over the Twitterverse
(I hope these tips help you on your journey to becoming an author. Just know, I’ve got your back and my DM’s are always open should you need them.)
Devote a set amount of TIME aside for daily Twitter activity. Even 15 minutes a day will solidify your presence on the platform and help you keep out of the algorithm’s muck.
Blame bad days on the ALGORITHM. No need to beat yourself up over something you can’t control. Your tweet was completely ignored? Totally the algorithm’s fault. Brush yourself off and keep moving forward.
Stash CONTENT for future use. Create a folder of memes, a document of potential questions, and a note of tweet ideas for those moments when your brain is emptier than your querying inbox. Be sure to save those valuable ideas before they plunge back into your subconscious.
The name of the game: NETWORKING. In life you must give to receive, and Twitter is no exception. Comment on other people’s tweets, join chat groups if you can, offer help when other writers need it. Basically, treat your Twitter pals as good ol’ friends. The algorithm will thank you for it.
FOLLOW, follow, follow. There are barriers to entry (like when you’ve followed 5k accounts and they haven’t all followed you back), but I guarantee you can use the system to your advantage in the meantime. Set an amount of followers you want to find each day (I recommend searching writer-related hashtags or seeking out other writer’s pages for follow suggestions) and stick to your schedule. Also, be prepared to find some duds that may need to be blocked. All par for the course.
Be GENUINE. Randomness is fun. Twitter peeps want to know the real you, with all your quirks. Making little interesting tweets goes a long way to finding your squad. Believe me, some of the most popular tweets are the most random.
Use PITCH EVENTS to your advantage. So you’re not ready to pitch your story just yet? So what! Get out there and meet like-minded writers. Support other authors by following like mad and RT-ing their pitches. Honestly, the Twitter pitch events are the greatest way to find new writer pals. And then when you are ready to pitch, people will remember that you supported them before and help you out too.
INTERACT consistently. Even when you don’t feel like tweeting your own stuff, like or comment on other people’s tweets. It keeps you from being buried alive by the algorithm.
Be PATIENT. Anything worth doing takes time, and you can accomplish your goals when you set your mind to it. Don’t take it as a slight if the process moves more slowly than you’ve planned. *cough5kbarriercough*
Share your WRITING so peeps can get an idea of who you are and what you do. Obviously, use discretion as to how much you’re comfortable sharing, but I can tell you from personal experience that there are incredible authors on the platform. While you wait to make it big, you can get advice and feedback from some of the best in the business. Just food for thought.
If you need help, ASK for it. This applies to anything writing-related, but also sometimes personal life situations too. There are good samaritans everywhere who will step up in your time of need. At the very least, send me a message and I’ll do what I can. We’re all in this together.
Make your BIO relevant and interesting. Much of the time, your bio will be what the majority of the Twitterverse sees while scrolling through the feed. People make a split second decision on who to follow, and you want to encompass your personality/aspirations in your bio’s text. Mention your writing, a few unique tidbits about you, and potentially your current WIP’s word count. A well-crafted bio will help you in the long-run (and feel free to change it if something gets outdated).
Use HASHTAGS when you tweet! The jury’s out on how many hashtags are most effective. I’ve seen multiple opinions on the topic. Too many, and people overlook your tweet. Not enough, and no one sees it. I usually gravitate to 2 or 3 “always” hashtags (#WritingCommunity, #writers, #authors, #AuthorsofTwitter, #writerslife, #amwriting, etc.) and then specify 1 or 2 others for the tweet’s unique content (#yum for food, #nature for outdoor photography, etc.). Do some research and experimentation to see which hashtags work best for you.
BOOKMARK popular tweets for future reference. This can pertain to your tweets or viral tweets you find while you’re scrolling. I just recently started using the bookmark feature to save tweets that I never want to forget, or that I eventually plan to pin to the top of my profile again. I wish I would have started bookmarking sooner. Life would have been so much easier. Aaahhhhh, hindsight.
PINNED tweets make a major difference to your “brand” and “growth”. Much of the time, followers will automatically retweet your pinned tweet, which keeps it relevant despite its age. Make that system work for you. Put vital information about your books in the pinned tweet. I’ve also had a ton of success with pinning popular blog posts I’ve written. Anything to help you get noticed…because your pinned tweet will definitely get the most visibility. (Oh, and be sure to bookmark the tweets you choose for future reference.)
Host GIVEAWAYS for Twitter follow milestones. A giveaway can be as simple as offering to review someone’s query or first chapter, and as complicated as sending the winner some merch. The stakes are completely up to you! Giveaways are a great way to get your name out there while also celebrating what you’ve achieved on the platform thus far.
Utilize GROUP CHAT. If you build a close-knit group of Twitter friends (critique partners, beta readers, etc.) who work in the same genre as you, then you will have an excellent support system to help boost your tweets and keep you thinking positive. I recommend the #MiddleGradeHub for middle grade writers and #YAWritersHub for those focused on young adult work. I’m afraid that’s where my personal knowledge ends, but you can always start your own group should you not be able to find one specific enough to your projects.
Have FUN! Social media can be a magical experience. Try not to take yourself too seriously and leave some time to just relax/enjoy.
Remember that REAL LIFE still exists. Twitter is an awesome tool for building a platform of support and recognition, but it’s not the end all be all. If you need a break from technology for any reason, take it. You are not defined by a number on a screen. Your well-being is more important than that. :)