Stories beget injury.
Upon opening my morning read,
the coarse pages ripped through
my delicate hand.
A cut grows to a slice,
a slice to a gash,
a gash to a mess,
a mess to a scar.
I staunch the viscous trail of blood
with more paper pressed to my
Crimson cords of pain
burn into a blank page.
A steady stream of memories
leak into eternity.
And still the flow refuses to slow.
Sharp, metallic tang of regret
captures my tongue
when I lift the paper to suck
the wound.
Splatters of rust on white bloom
as no more than Rorschach.
Formless puddles of experience
I’m left to shape
into rational thoughts with
universal meaning.
I bleed an entire river,
sheet after sheet after sheet,
soulful flecks of my identity
spewed into existence.
An onlooker will be disgusted,
of that I am convinced.
I long to hide the pages
where no one will see
the extent of my injury.
But even when the blood dries,
my papercut has left a scar.
If the blemish remains in
public eye,
Then I may as well
share the story behind it.
Stories beget injury,
but through telling,
we heal.